OPC Factor
OPC Factor is a quick acting and very powerful antioxidant. It can really help your body detox and get rid of many bad substances from high sugar build up to free radicals. Along with giving you more energy and better circulation it will also help your cholesterol levels and just make you feel better. Its much much more…
OPC Factor and Free Radicals
We have all heard that free radicals are bad, though many people do not understand what they are or why they need to be eliminated. Our bodies are made up of millions of molecules. Each cell nucleus has a positive charge and needs to be paired with an electron that is negatively charged, to remain stable.
Free radicals are molecules that have lost an electron. These molecules then attack any nearby molecules in their desperation replace that electron and restore balance. A lot of damage to other molecules can take place very quickly, as a chain reaction often results – one molecule stealing an electron from the next and so on.
This can lead to oxidative stress, a situation often evidenced by lowering of our immune system, hardening of arteries, loss of skin tone, stiffening of joints and much more.
Many of our modern eating habits, our frequently polluted environments and our lifestyles in general, compromise our ability to fight free radicals. We do not eat fresh fruits or vegetables in sufficient quantities, we eat too much oily, processed and junk food. Preservatives destroy antioxidants.
We are mostly not even aware of the dangers to ourselves. Supplementing our diets with a strong antioxidant such as the OPC factor, will neutralize and eliminate the free radicals for you. The OPC factor comes in liquid form, so is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body.
The objective of the OPC Factor is to support and promote optimum health. The antioxidant action of the OPC Factor has made a huge difference to the treatment of many chronic disease situations and positively affects almost every aspect of our health and well-being. Below are some of the areas where OPC’s are known to effectively promote and enhance health:
OPC Factor Diabetes
While doing some research on this antioxidant it came across several folks that where having good results using this for diabetes. Most of the folks that where having success with there glucose levels where type 2 diabetics. If your a diabetic certainly worth trying it that’s for sure.
The Heart:
Circulation is improved, bad cholesterol lowered, blood fats reduced, blood pressure is lowered, plaque and clot formation in the arteries is prevented.
Immune system:
OPC’s natural antihistamines counteract allergic reactions and help to protect us against pollution. OPC’s are known to reduce the long-term effects of inflammation. They boost our immune systems increasing our resistance to disease.
Help to improve clarity of the brain and the powers of concentration. They increase our attention span.
The Skin:
It is known as a youth enhancer because of the positive effects on skin. It strengthens collagen and elastin, improving the overall skin tone. OPC’s fight degeneration in our bodies as a whole.
OPC Factor For General Health
- Increases energy and the feeling of well-being
- Improves sleep
- Helps suppress food cravings when used as a supplement during weight loss regimens,
- Helps stabilize blood sugar levels, delay sugar absorption and helps to prevent retinal edema in diabetics.
- Relieves pain, especially pain related to chronic diseases
- Assists in the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream
OPC Factor Scam?
We don’t think so. As you can see, it offers very broad based health benefits. OPCs provide a drug free boost to treatments of many diseases. OPC Factor is a pleasant tasting dietary supplement, totally safe to use and would benefit everyone, in any situation, young or old, healthy or diseased.
Where To Buy OPC Factor?
There are several place that sell this supplement drink. But you want to make sure you are getting a fresh batch. I would personally only buy OPC Factor from Here
Be Well